Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How long does a Bullet Resistant Vest Last?

A bullet resistant vest must last for a couple of years. The standard life span of a bullet resistant vest is five years. Although some manufacturers claim that their bullet resistant vests can last for more than five years. The National Institute of Justice suggests replacement of the bullet resistant vest after five years even though your manufacturer says that it can last longer than five years. This suggestion of the National Institute of Justice is a safety precaution for users. The NIJ has conducted a test on the frequently worn concealable body armors and more than half have failed to pass the minimum protection requirements after five years of service.

Actually, the life of a bullet resistant vest does not only depend on the age of the vest. There are also other factors that influence the life of the bullet resistant vest such as the care and handling of the vest, the frequency of use, the fitting of the bullet resistant vest on the wearer and its overall condition. If the bullet resistant vest is regularly worn, the vest is more prone to wear and tear that can shorten the life of the vest.

Proper care and maintenance is critical in the life of a bullet resistant vest. Misuse and improper care of the bullet resistant vets will not only shorten the life of the vest but will also affect its ballistic performance. Exposures to some factors such as UV light, moisture, immersion of the ballistic panels and improper storage will cause the decrease of performance of the ballistic resistant vest. These factors will weaken the fibers used on the ballistic panels causing a diminished protection provided to the wearer. Moreover, improper use and neglect of the bullet resistant vest can void and nullify the warranty contract making you unable to claim for replacement and free repairs in case of damages and defects. 

Best Ways to Care for Your Bullet Resistant Vest

The following are the best ways to care and maintain your bullet resistant vest. You can follow them to sustain the ballistic performance of your bullet resistant vest and make them lost lasting.

1. Follow the recommended care instructions of your manufacturer. You bullet resistant vest is made of different ballistic and non-ballistic materials. There may be fibers which are sensitive and delicate that requires special care. Follow the care instructions of your manufacturer on these materials in order to prevent degradation and damages. You can find these care instructions on the labels or packaging of your bullet resistant vest.

2. When wearing your armor, make sure that it is properly fitted on your body. Set the straps just tight enough so that there will be no excessive movements of the ballistic panels and at the same time allow you mobility when under tension. Over strapping can cause creases and wrinkles on your bullet resistant vest. It can also cause too much stretching on the straps.

3. When cleaning your bullet resistant vest, always follow the cleaning and washing instructions provided. Avoid the things that can damage your bullet resistant vest and can cause a decrease in its ballistic performance. If no cleaning instructions are provided, you can follow the following general cleaning instructions.

a. Store your bullet resistant vest by laying it flat and away from other things or equipment. Never hang your bullet resistant vest because this will cause premature stretching. Never store your bullet resistant vest damp from perspiration or water. This will cause moulds to grow.

b. Use mild detergent and cold water when cleaning your bullet resistant vest. Do not immerse the        ballistic panels in water. Clean it by gently wiping it using damp cloth or sponge.

c. When drying, never dry it under the sun. Dry it on an airy location and under the shade. 

Frequently Asked Question about the Bullet Resistant Vest

What is a bullet resistant vest? How does it work?

A bullet resistant vest is a form of body armor generally worn on the torso that is used as protection from different weapons and from the negative effects of combat. The bullet resistant vest is effective in stopping bullet penetration that can cause wounds and injuries to the wearer. It has the ability to capture a bullet, prevent it from entering deeper into the vest by deforming the bullet. Also, it has the ability to absorb the impact of the bullet thereby reducing blunt trauma injuries such as broken bones, lacerations, crashed wounds and internal organ damages that the wearer may suffer.

How effective are bullet resistant vests?

Bullet resistant vests offer good protection from bullets and other fired projectiles. It has also some characteristics that can give you better protection depending on the ballistic resistant fiber used. The Kevlar fibers for example don’t have only great ballistic properties; it also has high thermal cut and chemical resistance, great tensile strength and also malleability. But bullet resistant vests are not 100% bulletproof or effective in giving protection. You can supplement your bullet resistant vests by adding ballistic inserts such as trauma pads or ceramic plates for added blunt trauma protection.

What are the different parts of the bullet resistant vests?

There are two parts of a bullet resistant vest – the ballistic panels and the vest carrier. The ballistic panels contain the ballistic resistant materials that are capable of giving you ballistic protection. The carrier secures the ballistic panels. It houses the ballistic panels so that it would be wearable and can give good protection to the wearer. There is a third part of the bullet resistant which may be added depending on the protection need of the wearer. This third part is called ballistic inserts such as trauma pads and ceramic plates which can give added protection from blunt trauma force and from steel bullets. 

How effective is a Bullet Resistant Vest?

A bullet resistant Vest is not 100% bulletproof or effective but it offers good protection depending in the threat level faced and the protection level needed.

The bullet resistant vest has the capability to stop bullets and prevent it from penetrating the skin and cause wounds and damages. When a bullet is fired, the fibers of the bullet resistant vest capture the bullet, deform it making it into mushroomed shaped bullet so that it will not penetrate deeper and enter the human flesh. Each layer of the bullet resistant vest helps in stopping the bullet until its full suspension.

Although the bullet resistant vest is effective in stopping a bullet, the wearer cannot get away from the blunt trauma force caused by the impact of the bullet. This blunt trauma force may cause internal organ damages, broken bones as well as crashed wounds and lacerations. There are bullet resistant vests that are both effective in stopping a bullet and giving protection from blunt trauma force. But for an increased blunt trauma protection, you can use trauma pads or plates. Trauma pads are ballistic inserts that is added on the bullet resistant vest for added protection from blunt trauma injuries. It is made of layers of ballistic resistant materials or metal plates which may be removable or not from the vest. Make sure that your bullet resistant vest has special pockets designed for trauma pads.

A Bullet resistant vest is also not designed to give protection from sharp or pointed objects such as knives, arrows, ice picks and hypothermic needles. Sharp edged weapons can cut the ballistic fibers of the bullet resistant vest. It can penetrate the vest and cause wounds, stabs and slashes on the wearer.  If you want a vest that can protect you from these kinds of weapons, get a stab resistant vest.  

Also, the bullet resistant vest cannot give protection from steel bullets. To be protected from these, add ceramic plates or metal plates in your bullet resistant vest. 

Is a Bullet Resistant Vest Effective in Giving Protection?

All bullet resistant vests are effective in giving protection for the following reasons. First are the ballistic resistant materials that make the bullet resistant vest. These ballistic resistant materials are excellent material fibers which have excellent ballistic properties. They have great absorption capabilities, thermal properties, malleability, high cut and chemical resistance and they are generally lightweight. These properties of the ballistic resistant materials make the bullet resistant vest effective in providing good protection to the wearer from various harms and injuries cause by modern weapons.

The second reason why they are effective in giving protection is because they have to pass rigid ballistic tests and standards set by regulating bodies. The National Institute of Justice, the division of the US Department of Justice has set rules and standards that must be followed by manufacturers of body armors.  Before body armor such as the bullet resistant vest is made available to the public and other users, the National Institute of Justice must first conduct ballistic testing. The NIJ doesn’t require a specific material to be used or a design specification. What is important is that it has the ability to give ballistic protection and must be able to meet the required level of protection. If a bullet resistant vest has passed the NIJ testing, it means that that the vest is safe, reliable and has complied with the minimum protection requirements.

A Bullet resistant vest is not 100 % effective. Although it has the ability to stop bullets fired from firearms, there is the blunt trauma that can cause the wearer some serious damages and wounds. Blunt trauma is a non-penetrating injury that is caused by the impact of a bullet. Moreover, bullet resistant vests have varied ratings. Vests with lower rating cannot protect the wearer from bullets coming from rifles and stronger firearms. So make sure that your bullet resistant vest can protect you from the common weapons that you will most likely face. 

Which Type of Bullet Resistant Vest is better?

A bullet resistant vest is a form of safety apparel used to protect the wearer from harms and injuries brought by bullet and other projectiles coming from firearms. It can also protect the wearer from other weapons such as knives and other sharp and pointed weapons. It gives protection from thermal hazards as well as from biological and chemical threats. There are two general types of a bullet resistant vest – the concealable bullet resistant vest and the tactical bullet resistant vest.

The concealable bullet resistant vest is a type of vest that can be concealed by thick clothing. This is usually worn on the torso and is the most preferred vest by civilians and by the police force for their daily use. The concealable vest offers good and reliable protection from small handguns. But it cannot protect a wearer from rifles and other stronger firearms. It also gives a limited protection but it is more comfortable to wear because it is lighter and thinner. On the other hand, the tactical bullet resistant vest is an overt type of vest. This is usually seen being used by the military and policemen when greater risks are involved because it gives greater protection than the concealable vest.

Which type of vest is better? There is really no type of vest that is better than the other. There is also no particular model or one type of vest that will work for everyone. This is because there is a tradeoff between comfort and protection. When you want a more comfortable vest, you need to forgo protection. You choose the concealable type of vest because it is lighter and thinner but you have to settle for lesser protection.  When you choose for a bullet resistant vest, there are some things to consider. And the primary consideration when choosing your vest is the threat level involved. The threat level will greatly determine your choice of bullet resistant vest. But the rule of thumb is to wear a vest that can protect you from the weapon you carry. 

Types of Bullet Resistant Vest

Generally, there are two types of bullet resistant vest. The different types of bullet resistant vest addresses the different protection needs of users. They also have different protection ratings depending on the threat level and risks involved. And they have to pass the standards set by the National Institute of Justice. The NIJ is a division of the US Department of Justice that tests and evaluates the safety and reliability of body armors. The two types of bullet resistant vests are the concealable bullet resistant vest and the tactical bullet resistant vest.

The Concealable Bullet resistant vest is a type of personal safety apparel that can shield the wearer from bullets and other forms of weapons which is capable of concealment. The concealable bullet resistant vest is usually worn underneath ordinary clothing. It is made up of layers of ballistic resistant materials that can offer good protection against handguns and other lower velocity firearms. This type of vest is generally lighter, and offers lower or limited protection but gives more comfort than the other type of vest. The concealable bullet resistant vest is usually rated from Level I to Level IIIA.

The other type of bullet resistant vest is the Tactical bullet resistant vest. This type of vest is usually worn by the military and police force of heavy combat and high tactical missions. The tactical bullet resistant vest offers greater protection than the concealable vest. It can protect the wearer from small handguns and from rifles and stronger firearms. But the tactical vest is heavier, thicker and is cumbersome. It is made up of more layers of ballistic resistant fibers and there are ballistic inserts that is made of metal plates that makes the vest heavier.  

Before you can choose the type of vest that you need, you must determine first the threat level that you are likely to face. The threat level is important because there is a tradeoff between comfort and protection. 

Why Is It Important To Use A Bullet Resistant Vest?

We now live in a an aggressive and combative society where people settle disputes and fight for what they think as right through fighting by using different weapons. We often hear merciless killings in the news, terrorist attacks, robbery and assaults that lead to death and serious injuries of innocent people. No wonder a lot of people are now wearing different kinds of bullet resistant vests.

Bullet resistant vest is not only a popular safety gear among the police force and military. Civilians are now wearing them to secure their personal safety. The bullet resistant vest is a form of protective covering used to shield the wearer from harms and injuries. It is an effective tool that can protect the wearer from various weapons such as firearms as well as sharp and pointed objects.

The Bullet resistant vest is a must for the policemen and the military because of the nature of their job. Their lives are always at risk and they are always facing danger. Wearing a bullet resistant vest is as important as their life because it shields them from various weapons that may cost their lives. It is important to use a bullet resistant vest in order to protect their lives, maintain their safety and somehow reduce the injuries that they may suffer.

Civilians also contribute to the high demand of bullet resistant vest. They wear bullet resistant vest not because their lives is in danger but to secure their personal safety from accidents and crimes. Dangers and harms may come anytime and at any place. In order not to fall victims of assaults and suffer severe injuries, civilians wear bullet resistant vest. Moreover, the bullet resistant is not only effective in defying bullet and other projectiles. It also has the ability to protect the wearer from other forms of weapons and hazards such as stab attacks from knives, ice picks and other pointed objects, safety and protection from chemical and biological as well as thermal hazards. 

What is a Bullet Resistant Vest?

During the early times, there were no bullet resistant vests that can protect people from various weapons. The early protective coverings used were animal skins, leather and metal plates which were not only heavy and unrefined but also uncomfortable. These safety coverings were effective and useful against the early weapons. But with the use of gun powder and introduction of guns, these protective coverings became obsolete. It cannot defy modern weapons and most importantly, it has no ability to give protection.

To address the safety need against modern weapons, the bullet resistant vest was invented. The first bullet resistant vest was made in the 16th century which was termed as bulletproof vest. This bullet resistant vest was later on  modified, improved and innovated in order to be more useful and has the ability to defy modern weapons. Today, bullet resistant vests were not only effective in giving protection but were also comfortable, reliable and safe.

Bullet resistant vest now means a personal armor that has the capability to resist bullets by absorbing the impact. Bullet resistant vest is made of many layers of ballistic resistant fibers which help in stopping the bullet from penetrating the human skin and cause internal injuries that can be fatal. Aside from stopping the bullet, the bullet resistant vest has also reduces blunt trauma injuries that one can suffer from the impact of the bullet. It absorbs the impact and then disperses it on the other parts of the vest so that the wearer of the bullet resistant vest will not suffer serious wounds and damages on the internal organs.

Bullet resistant vest does not only protect the wearer from bullet, it also has the capability to protect the wearer from various weapons and hazards. The modern bullet resistant vests are no capable of multi threat protection from bullets, shrapnel of explosions, stab and slash attacks from pointed and sharp weapons as well as protection from thermal hazards and chemical and biological threats.

How do you purchase a bullet resistant vest?

Purchasing a bullet resistant vest should be done carefully and wisely. You don’t purchase a bullet resistant vest the way you purchase your ordinary necessities. This is because your life is at stake and your life depends on the bullet resistant vest that you will be wearing. Here is a guideline on the right way to purchase bullet resistant vest.

1. Gauge the threat level. The first consideration when buying a bullet resistant vest is to gauge the threat level associated with your job or mission. How do you determine the threat level? Know the possible risks involved, common weapons used and the dangers that you will likely encounter. The threat level will greatly influence the type of bullet resistant vest that you will be buying.

2. Select the bullet resistant vest that will meet your personal preference. Do you like a custom fit vest? If you prefer a custom fit vest, you must know that you are required to wait until the vest is made and delivered to you. If you need a bullet resistant vest urgently, you must settle and choose from the pre-made vests. The main advantage of a custom fit bullet resistant vest is that your vest will be made according to your exact measurement that will enhance your protection, safety and comfort. Another advantage of a custom fit bullet resistant vest is that you can achieve the style that you want with your vest. You can have your manufacturer add and omit some features which will satisfy you more.

3. When buying online, make sure that you give your exact body measurements in order to achieve right fit in your bullet resistant vest. If you have intentions of buying bullet resistant t vest, do online searching. This is more cost effective and easier. You will also be able to compare prices, select the vest style of your choice and check the reliability of your manufacturer.